About Me

Welcome to Options Actions

In November 2019 I started Options Actions to help new traders like you understand how to use Options to reduce risk and improve your probability of success in your trading portfolio.

Before 2012, I knew very little about options trading. I had believed all the bad news about losing all my money and, that Options were too risky for individual investors. Even my financial planner tried to steer me away from adding option trading to my brokerage account. Of course, he didn’t trade options. So, I decided to forge my own path and get the information I needed to trade options in my own account.

Since that time, I have helped many new traders learn how to use time tested principles to set up minimal risk options trades for their own accounts.

My name is Dan, and I am the guy who created this website. I have been actively trading options in my own account since 2012. And I decided it would be a promising idea to share my thoughts and insights about the world of Options Trading.

How I got started

Prior to deciding to learn to trade options I spent 10 years as a registered rep in the financial services industry. I knew that my clients wanted to do more than buy stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs, but, at that time, the industry frowned on offering options trading to individual investors.

I knew options trading was an excellent way for investors to reduce risk, diversify a portfolio and increase their probability of success. And even though I knew how to develop financial plans to help them move towards financial independence, I lacked the knowledge, skills, and freedom needed to explain options in a way that would be beneficial to them. I knew I could do more than call my clients week after week with the same old advice and recommendations.

So, in 2012 I decided to head off in a new direction. I knew I wanted to trade Options. But to do that I needed to develop the skills. It took a while, but with consistent effort, I found my way to learning what I needed to know to brcome a much better decision maker.

Every new venture comes with its challenges and frustrations. Learning to trade options can seem like an uphill climb. But having a trusted guide to help you along the path to your destination can make all the difference.

Let’s begin your journey

So, with these thoughts in mind I hope you will find this website a valuable resource that you can come back to and find the information you need to become a successful options trader.

Happy Trading!

If you ever have any questions, or suggestions, please leave them in the comments section below.

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